And he brought his fancy beard along with the Swarmatron and Cartridge Organ. It was a lot of fun playing together again, the results often sound quite alien, and at times are reminiscent of early electronic music. Its strange and delightful!
This month’s podcast features Bernhard Wöstheinrich, from Berlin.
Bernhard came to my studio to record before his performance at the Third Tuesdays: Electronic/Experimental Music Night, it was the first time we’d met and we promptly began making sounds together. I find the results of our collaboration have a dream-like quality, as if floating through surreal, ever-changing environments. Be sure to listen in headphones, Bernhard’s sound is amazingly spacious!
This month’s podcast finds me wearing my wormlogo hat and creating deep drones with the Strega Synthesizer and tape.
The Make Noise Strega is one of my recent instrument acquisitions, and I’ve enjoyed exploring its capabilities as a drone machine. These are three of those explorations.
(this is one of the podcasts that i think works best listened to very quietly… or extremely loud.)
This month’s podcast is a live performance recorded at The Friday Experiment at Gateway City Arts in Holyoke, MA. It was an interesting show – an evening of continuous ambient performances featuring Craig Douglas, me and Bonnie Kane. Our sets overlapped by a few minutes, so the end of one performers set would become the start of the next.
Presented here is my portion of the evening. I really like the shape of this one, it covers a lot of sonic territory. That’s why I’ve posted it unedited. Its a good example of what an Errant Space performance can be.
This month’s podcast features Neonach (Craig Douglas) from Western Massachusetts.
Craig combines vocals, electronics and acoustic instruments to create lush, immersive soundscapes. Our collaboration explores varied sonic topographies and imaginary frontiers…
This month’s podcast is a binaural recording from the July 2022 Space Out, Outside.
It features Bob Lukomski (granular synthesizers, samples) and Irman Peck (conceptual cello/bass guitar).
Its a really beautiful field recording, best experienced in headphones, with subtle interactions between the players, and their environment.
(L-R)Binaural Mike, Irman Peck, Me (Craig), Bob Lukomski. (photo Bill Loeb)
This month’s podcast is a live solo performance from June 2021 in Goshen, NY at the Orange County Arts Council.
Its a field recording, so you’ll be able to hear the environment where I was playing; there’s a little pond, lots of birds talking, and some traffic. Its nice to post an unedited performance like this as a snapshot of where I am creatively. One of the audience members described it as “sonic acupuncture,” which I think is fitting. I hope you enjoy it!
This month’s podcast features bassist (and synthesist) Irman Peck, from Philadelphia, PA.
Irman was a participant in the Remote Variations series, but this one was recorded live at a Space Out, Outside performance in June 2021.
We covered a lot of ground that afternoon, from contemplative improvisation to weird poly rhythms and textural drones. It’s got something for everyone??
This month’s podcast features synthesist Andrew Neumann from Boston, MA.
Andrew brought out his Buchla Music Easel(!!) for an open-air recording session in my back yard. We got pretty far out, exploring weird sonic textures and terrain. Its a fun trip, enjoy the ride!
Contrary to what his shirt says (and where he lives), Andrew is a West-Coast synthesist.