Its time for another installment of the Remote Variations Series, this time with Pedeplei from Guadalajara, Mexico. (We were connected via our mutual friend BioMeSS.)
Pedeplei is a project of sound artist, Israel Peña who creates and manipulates sounds in real time. I think of him as a sort of experimental foley artist or field recordist, creating sounds with physical objects then processing, altering and looping them (in real time) to create strange sonic worlds.
Our collaboration produced a real aural feast; with lots of interesting textures and glitchy noises. Listen in headphones for the full effect.
This month’s podcast (#20!) features the amazing sound artist Jen Kutler who I met at a show at My Life In the Bush of Ghosts. Jen brought over some of her found object instruments (including the Sewing Machine Inductor Synth) for our collaboration and the resulting soundscapes are fantastically otherworldy.