Errant Space Podcast 117: Experimental Sounds From Portugal

This month’s podcast features recordings from my recent trip to Portugal where I met some amazing improvising experimental musicians.

It starts with a collaborative performance with António Caramelo at Darc Desterro that was organized by the good folks at Russian Library.

António Caramelo and me (craig) performing at Darc (photo João Paulo Daniel)

That’s followed by recording from a visit to the studio of Adriana Sá who played her custom zither. We were joined by her student Gabriel Worm on acoustic bass guitar.

Adriana Sá in her studio

Finally there’s a sort of hybrid field recording I made on the Alfa Pendular train; I improvised to the sounds of the train and passengers on the trip from Porto to Lisbon.

This was my recording studio on the Alfa Pendular train.

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Errant Space Podcast
Errant Space Podcast
Errant Space Podcast 117: Experimental Sounds From Portugal
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